Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases

Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases: Here the complete ayurvedic treatment method for Cardiac Diseases like Cardiac Stroke and Blockage of Coronary artery prescribed by Patanjali Wellness is being explained, which is an evidence-based new treatment method experienced by millions of patients.

Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases New Treatment Process

Patanjali MedicineQuantity
Divya Arjun Kwath300 grams
Cinnamon60 grams

Take the medicine in the quantity of 2 spoons (about 10-15 grams) and boil it in 400 ml water. When 100 ml is left, filter it and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, 1 hour before meal.

Divya Cardiogrit Gold20 Vati

Consume 2-2 drops with lukewarm water in the morning and evening before meals. Divya Cardiogrit Gold can also be given if the pain subsides.

Divya Hridayamrit Vati40 grams
Divya Lauki Ghanvati60 Vati
Divya Lipidom Vati60 Vati

Consume 1-1 ml with lukewarm water after meals in the morning, afternoon, and evening.

Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases
Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases

Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases Traditional Healing Process

Patanjali MedicineQuantity
Divya Arjun Kwath300 grams

Cook 1 teaspoon (5 grams) of Arjun Kwath in 4 cups of water or 1 cup of milk and 3 cups of water and when 1 cup is left, filter it and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening 1 hour before meals.

Divya Mukta Pishti4 grams
Divya Sangeyasav Pishti10 grams
Divya Akik Pishti10 Grams
Divya Giloy Sat10 Grams
Divya Yogendra Ras1 gram
Divya Jaharmohra Pishti5 Grams
Divya Abhrak Bhasma5 grams

Mix all the medicines make 60 packets and consume it with water and honey half an hour before breakfast and evening meal.

Divya Hridayamrit Vati40 grams
Divya Arogyavardhani Vati40 grams

Take 2 tablets each in the morning after breakfast and in the evening with lukewarm water.

Read Also: Patanjali Medicine for Tuberculosis (Pulmonary Tuberculosis)

Patanjali Medicine
Patanjali Medicine

Patanjali Medicine for Cardiac Diseases Note

  • Arjuna can also be used in the form of Ksheerpak.
  • Kshirpak method: Mix an equal amount of cow’s milk in the decoction and cook it on medium flame, but care must be taken that the milk does not burn.
  • Take Patanjali Nutrela Daily Active 2-2 capsules a day in the morning and evening with lukewarm water.
  • Take Patanjali Nutrela Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 2 capsules each in the morning and evening with lukewarm water.
  • In case of severe disease, Divya Yogendra Ras can also be used in the quantity of 2-3 grams.
  • Be sure to practice the specified subtle exercises, pranayama, yoga meditation, etc. Without practicing yoga, a permanent solution to diseases is not possible.
  • Perform Yagya treatment as per the prescribed method.

Panchakarma Therapy for Cardiac Diseases

  • Abhyanga
  • Parishek
  • Virechana
  • Hridaya Vasti
  • Shirodhara

Shatkarma Chikitsa for Cardiac Diseases

  • Jalneti
  • Sutraneti
  • Tratak
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Acupressure

Naturopathy Treatment for Cardiac Diseases

Mud pack on stomach, chest wrap, hot foot bath, enema, cutaneous bath, cold pack in case of rapid heartbeat for just 2 minutes.


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