Home Remedies For Menstruation

Home Remedies For Menstruation: This article is for all those women who have the problem of excessive menstruation. In this, all those Ayurvedic medicines for menstruation have been told, using which you can balance or cure menstruation. So let us know about Menstruation Home Remedies.

Home Remedies For Menstruation.
Ayurvedic Medicine for Menstruation

Barberry: Home Remedies For Menstruation

Its flower is a huge body, which has falling thorns and which has golden yellow colored flowers. The bark, stem, wood, and fruit of barberry root are used as medicine. The use of barberry powder as an Ayurvedic medicine for menstruation is beneficial.

Sadabahar: Ayurvedic Medicine for Menstruation

It is also known as Sadapushpa, and its flower is 30 to 60 cm tall. m. Is high. The leaves of evergreen are simple and opposite, and its flowers are white or pink. The taste of evergreen is bitter. For the treatment of menstruation, take 10 to 20 ml of evergreen sap as an Ayurvedic medicine. It is beneficial to take it.

Amalaki: Ayurvedic Medicine for the Treatment of Menstruation

It is also called Amla or Amla, and its tree is of medium height. Amalaki leaves are like small tamarind leaves. Its flowers and stigmas are almond yellow in color and small. The fruits of Amalaki are round and shiny with six lines attached to the branches. Using Amalaki fruit powder as an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of menstruation is beneficial.

Erythrina Indica

It is also known as Paribhadra or Pangara. Its leaves and bark are used as medicine. One to two ml extract of Erythrina Indica leaves is used as an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of menstruation. Drinking is beneficial.

Son Champa

Its tree is tall, beautiful, and evergreen, its average height is 20 to 25 feet high. The leaves of Son Champa are smooth and pointed, and its flowers are very fragrant and greenish-yellow in color. For the treatment of menstruation, taking the powder of the bark of Son Champa root is beneficial.

Ayurvedic Medicine Lodh for menstruation

Its tree is small whose average height is 20 feet. The bark of Lodh is gray and the leaves are oval. Its flowers are round-toothed, fragrant yellow, and are in clusters. Using Lodh bark powder for the treatment of menstruation is beneficial.

Big Blackberries

The jamun tree is very big, and its bark is white. Its leaves are simple, oriented, smooth, shiny, oblong, or obtuse. Jamun flowers are white and fragrant, their fruits are round pinkish purple. For the treatment of menstruation, drinking the juice of Badi Jamun leaves is beneficial.

Home Remedies For Menstruation
Home Remedies For Menstruation

Tamarix Dioica

It is a lively serpentine bush, whose height is about 2 meters. Its bark is red and cracked and the leaves are fine, smooth, and scale-like. The flowers of the Tamarix Dioica are small, bisexual, white, or pink. For the treatment of menstruation, taking the powder of Tamarix Dioica, Gokshuru, musli, asparagus, and sugar candy is beneficial.

Ayurvedic Medicine Wild Onion for Treatment of Menstruation

It is a small shrub whose length is 6 to 18 inches long. Its flowers are almond in color and taste is bitter. The tuber of wild onion is used as medicine. To overcome the problem of menstruation, taking the juice of wild onion tuber is beneficial.

Vetiver (Khas)

It is a type of grass that grows in dense clusters 3 to 5 feet high. Its leaves are 1 to 2 feet long and the flowers are yellow or blood coloured. Its root is used as medicine, which tastes bitter and sweet. Taking poppy root powder as an Ayurvedic medicine for menstruation is beneficial.

Read Also: Home Remedies For Stones

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