Home Remedies For Stones

Home Remedies For Stones: This article is for those who have the problem of stones. In this, all those Ayurvedic medicines to cure Ashmari or to remove it from the body have been explained. So let us know about Stones Home Remedies.

Home Remedies For Stones
Home Remedies For Stones

Chirchira: Home Remedies For Stones

It is also called Latjira or Apamarg, the flower of Chirchira is 1 to 3 feet high. Its stems are quadrangular and its flowers are yellow-pink. Its Panchang, Patra, Mool, and Kand are used for medicine. Consuming 2 to 4 grams of Chirchira alkali as an Ayurvedic medicine for stones along with one cup of sheep’s urine helps in removing stones.

Black Cardamom: Ayurvedic Medicine for Stones

Its plant is like a turmeric plant whose average height is 100 to 200 cm. m. It happens. Its dried ripe fruits and seeds are used as medicine and spice. Consuming its seeds and watermelon seeds as Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of stones is beneficial in Ashmari.

Ajwain: Ayurvedic Medicine for the Treatment of Stones

It is also known as Ajmot or Ajmoda, and its flower is 2 to 3 feet high. The flowers of elderberry are white and have small students and its fruits are oval and yellow. For the treatment of acne, taking 1 to 4 grams of powder of elderberry fruit is beneficial.

Safed Mushli: Ayurvedic Medicine for the Treatment of Stones

Its creeper is huge and thorny, and its branches are sharp and inclined. The thorns of white Musli are 1/2 to 3/4 inches long. Its juicy root and Patrabhas leaves are used as medicine. By eating the tubers of white Mushli as an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of stones, the stones melt and come out.


It is also called Kokilaksha or Ikshugandha, it is a plant with small thorns which grows in moist places. The flowers of Talamkhana are blue-violet. Consuming the powder or decoction of Talmakhana as an Ayurvedic medicine for piles is beneficial.


Its flower is of advanced quality and long-lasting, it is also known as Parnabeej. Its flowers are tubular and blood-colored. For the treatment of stones, drinking the juice of its leaves as an Ayurvedic medicine is beneficial in treating kidney stones.

Celosia Argentea

It is also known as Shiriyari, Shitiwar, or Bhurundi, and its flower is 2 to 3 feet high. Its leaves are long and thin and the flowers are intertwined in panicles. Its leaves and seeds are used as medicine. Consuming one Masha and one Masha sugar candy mixed with white cock seed powder 2 to 3 times a day as an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of asthma is beneficial.

Home Remedies For Stones
Ayurvedic Medicine for Stones


It is also known as Bimbi or Kunduri, its vine is everlasting. Kundru flowers are white and are unisexual. There are 10 white stripes on its fruit which turn dark red when ripe. For the treatment of Ashmari, take 30 ml of extract of its leaves, fruits, and roots. Took. Consuming it three times a day is beneficial.

Pathar Chur

It is also known as Pashan Bhedi, and the height of its flower ranges from 1 to 3 feet. Its flowers are light purple. Its roots and soft twigs are used as medicine. Consuming the decoction of this Panchang as an Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of stones is beneficial.

Wild or Spiral Ginger

It is also known as Kemuk, whose trunk is 2 to 3 feet high. The flowers of Spiral Ginger are white and their corner flowers are red. Consuming the powder of its underground trunk as an Ayurvedic medicine for piles is beneficial.


Its tree is 20 to 30 feet high, and the fruit is lemon-sized. Its bark, leaves, and flowers are used as medicine. For the treatment of stones, consuming decoction or powder of Barna bark as an Ayurvedic medicine is beneficial.

White Cumin

It is cultivated and sown in the fields, and the branches of cumin are delicate and thin. Its flowers are small and white. Consumption of its fruit powder is beneficial in the treatment of stones.


Its tree is of medium height, and its leaves are rough and hairy. Its fruit is used as medicine. The consumption of ripe loquat fruit as Ayurvedic medicine is beneficial for the treatment of stones.


It is also known as Sehund, whose height is 10 to 15 feet. Its leaves are arranged in clusters at the ends of the branches. The flowers are small and have a greenish and yellow color. Drinking the powder of the root of Thuhar or the juice of Kand as an Ayurvedic medicine for stones is beneficial.

Read Also: Home Remedies For Hemorrhoids

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