Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss and Obesity

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss and Obesity: Here the complete ayurvedic treatment method for Fat Loss and Obesity prescribed by Patanjali Wellness is being explained, which is an evidence-based new treatment method experienced by millions of patients.

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss and Obesity New Treatment Process

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss..
Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss..
Patanjali MedicineQuantity
Divya Sarvakalp Kwath200 grams
Divya Kayakalp Kwath200 grams

Mix both the medicines and boil them in 400 ml water in the amount of 2 spoons (about 10-15 grams). When 100 ml remains, filter it and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, 1 hour before meal.

Divya Vent Go Vati60 Vati
Divya Fighter Vati60 Vati

Consume 2-2 drops in the morning and evening with lukewarm water half an hour before meals.

Divya Lipidom Vati60 Vati
Divya Laukighan Vati60 Vati
Divya Punarnavadi Mandoor40 Grams

Consume 1-1 Vati with lukewarm water in the morning, afternoon, and evening after meal.

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss and Obesity Traditional Healing Process

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss..
Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss..
Patanjali MedicineQuantity
Divya Sarvakalp Kwath200 grams
Divya Kayakalp Kwath200 grams
Divya Triphala Powder100 Grams

Mix all the medicines, take 1 teaspoon quantity, boil it in 400 ml water and when 100 ml is left, filter it and drink it in the morning and evening on an empty stomach.

Divya Medohar Vati50 grams

Take 2 tablets each in the morning and evening, 1 hour before meals with lukewarm water.

Divya Triphala Guggulu 60 Grams
Divya Arogyavardhini Vati60 grams

Take 2 tablets each in the morning and evening with lukewarm water after meals.

Divya Godhan Ark20 ml
Divya Ghritkumari Swaras20 ml

Consume on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss and Obesity Note

  • Consume 1 teaspoon of Patanjali Nutrela Slim Choice in the morning and evening with lukewarm water.
  • Do Suryanamaskar, yogic jogging, asana, and pranayam as per the prescribed method.
  • Consume Patanjali Medohar Daliya as directed by Swami Ramdevji Maharaj.

Patanjali Panchakarma Therapy for Fat Loss and Obesity

  • Udvartan
  • Churnapinda Sweden
  • Virechana
  • Dashmool Gomutrasiddha Niruhvasti/Lekhanvasti
  • Shiropichu

Patanjali Shatkarma Chikitsa for Fat Loss and Obesity

  • Jalneti
  • Sutraneti
  • Kunjalakriya
  • Shankhaprakshalan
  • Yoga Nidra
  • Tratak

Patanjali Naturopathy Treatment for Fat Loss and Obesity

Its permanent treatment is to increase the oxidation process of calories stored in the body and not to provide extra calories from outside. Take hot and cold compress, wrap, mud bandage, enema, steam bath, mud bath, gold bath, circular bath, Jacuzzi, whirlpool bath, wet sheet wrap, and sunbath on the stomach. To reduce the local fat of different body parts, taking local steam, cotton woolen wrap of arms, thighs, stomach, etc. by changing the treatments is beneficial.

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss Edible Food

Take a fibrous diet with low carbohydrates and very low fat, prepare porridge of barley, millet, sorghum, maize, and oats by adding beans, legumes, and vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, spinach, etc.

Germination of grains like fruits, lettuce, green gram, moth, lentils, gram, peas, wheat, ragi, sesame, soybean, etc. Low-calorie diet: Eat lots of salads of cucumber, cucumber, tomato, watermelon, cantaloupe, spinach, etc. to satisfy your hunger.

Take sprouted grains, bread made from flour with bran, and boiled green vegetables. Do not eat food late at night. The rule of eating before sunset is very scientific. Cut various sprouts, tomatoes, onions, green chilies, cucumber, etc., and make salad chaat and eat it.

Light and easily digestible food, a small amount of cow’s milk, buttermilk, drinking lukewarm water mixed with honey and lemon in the morning, exercise, morning walks, and physical and mental exertion are the reasons.

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss Inedible Food

Any kind of fat and its products, sweets, sleeping during the day after meals and indulgence in tongue, any kind of heavy food and laziness are prohibited. Overeating as a result of overeating, lack of exercise, excess sleep, eating fatty foods, depression, stress, anxiety, and escaping adverse situations.

Eating snacks again and again without hunger, kachoris, pakoras, fried food, toffee, chocolate, canned food, meat, liquor, soft drinks, biscuits, bread, fast food, etc. are prohibited.

Patanjali Medicine for Fat Loss Diet Food Cycle

  • Main Diet – Fasting, Partial Fasting, Lemon/Honey Water, Lemon/Fenugreek Water, Fenugreek Water
  • Alternative Diet – Bottle gourd, watermelon kalpa, Patanjali nutritious porridge, salad, tomato soup.
  • Fruits – Orange, seasonal papaya, watermelon, pomegranate, guava, melon, etc.
  • Vegetables – Seasonal suitable boiled vegetables.
  • Medicated Water – Giloy.

Patanjali Medicine List and Uses

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